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Fourth Annual 2023 May Day Music Festival Highlights Photo Credits: Mark Irish

Fourth Annual 2023 May Day Music Festival Highlights

Published May 28, 2023

On May 27th, thousands attended the Fourth Annual May Day Music Festival at its new location at the McFarland Park in Florence, Alabama.  The May Day music festival initially started out as a response to help for the North Alabama communities that were devastated by the floods back in February of 2019. The name "May Day" was chosen for the inaugural fundraising event due to being held in the month of May and was hosted at the Alabama Music Hall of Fame.  Due to the success of the first event, May Day has continued its tradition of helping various people and organizations in need.

This year the Restoration Ranch for substance abuse treatment located in Tuscumbia, Alabama was chosen for this year's fundraising. The Restoration Ranch is an 8 to 10 month Christian discipleship program for those both male and female struggling with drug alcohol and emotional problems of the ages 18 and up. People experiencing these issues are welcome to seek help from the ranch, even if they don't have insurance as the services are provided free. As a result, the Restoration Ranch relies on funding for its operations. This year the May Day festival was able to raise $6,000 thanks to the generous contributions from the Florence community and beyond that attended this year's event.

WFMC Jams and Alabama Jams were both in attendance for this event providing a live stream all day Saturday for those who could not attend and to spread awareness for the Restoration Ranch. The event featured many activities including a car show, a bike run, a variety of vendors including merchandise and food, activities for kids such as bouncing castles, and live music by many artists who contributed their time to help make this event a success.  

Plans for 2024 May Day festival are already underway for next year, and the event organizers have announced that they have chosen McFarland Park again for next year's event expanding to a two day affair on Friday and Saturday preceding the Memorial Day Holiday.

2023 Fourth Annual May Day Fest - WFMC Jams YouTube Channel

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  • WFMC Jams is an online music discovery service bringing you original music as well as your favorite classics from a variety of local artists in the area. Founded on June 24, 2012 right after the Third Annual Fam Jam music festival in Manchester, TN. The idea came up as a way to continue to give back to the local and regional songwriters and performers in the area year round by promoting their music.


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