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7/08/2021 - 8pm - Live From the Bird's Nest - Macartney Reinhardt

Published July 08, 2021

Listen to "Live From the Bird's Nest" on Thursdays at 8pm Central on WFMC Jams by clicking the "Listen Live" at the top of the page. 

"The Georgia Songbirds - Live From the Bird's Nest" is a podcast aimed at local artists and songwriters, giving them a place to share music, stories and experiences as they chase their dream.

Macartney ReinhardtThis week's special guest is Macartney Reinhardt, a 14 year old singer songwriter from Georgia. Listen in as we talk about Music, school, her goals, movies and so much more. She even plays us a few songs.

Teen pop-country recording artist Macartney Reinhardt is quickly catching the eye of industry executives and music lovers with her powerhouse vocals, her soulful, bluesy twang, and lyrics that come straight from the heart.

As part of a multi-generational musical family Macartney was exposed to a variety of styles and genres from an early age. The Atlanta, GA. native was captivated watching her dad perform when she was a toddler, and started singing along while he played guitar. At just 5 years old she knew she wanted to be a singer and knew she always wanted music at the center of her life.

This rising recording artist has performed all over Georgia in venues both small and large, from clubs to large outdoor events and music competitions. Macartney was one of just five musicians nominated for Teen Artist of the Year at the Georgia Country Awards, which honors the very best country musicians in the state. She performed in front of industry professionals and peers at the event, known as the “CMAs” of Georgia. In 2020, Macartney was chosen to compete in Georgia Has Talent, then in 2021 she was selected again as a contestant for the showcase event.

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Facebook:  @thegeorgiasongbirds

Live from the Birds Nest


Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2021 09:56


  • WFMC Jams is an online music discovery service bringing you original music as well as your favorite classics from a variety of local artists in the area. Founded on June 24, 2012 right after the Third Annual Fam Jam music festival in Manchester, TN. The idea came up as a way to continue to give back to the local and regional songwriters and performers in the area year round by promoting their music.


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