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5/20/2021 - 8pm - Live From the Bird's Nest - Ryan LittleEagle

Published May 20, 2021

This week's episode features Ryan LittleEagle.  Listen to "Live From the Bird's Nest" on Thursdays at 8pm Central on WFMC Jams by clicking the "Listen Live" at the top of the page. 

"The Georgia Songbirds - Live From the Bird's Nest" is a podcast aimed at local artists and songwriters, giving them a place to share music, stories and experiences as they chase their dream.

Ryan LittleEagleRyan LittleEagle is a Native American singer-songwriter and musician from San Antonio, Texas, now living in Dawsonville Georgia. Influenced by the likes of George Strait, Randy Travis, Johnny Cash, and R Carlos Nakai, Littleeagle blends the rich storytelling of Country/Americana music, and with the cultural roots of First Nations music creating a style called NDN Country.

Ryan is a multi-award winning international performer and musician having won two Native American Music Awards (Debut Artist 2012, Best Instrumental 2014) and two Canadian Indigenous Music Awards (Best Flute CD 2013, Best Flute CD 2014). Ryan has enjoyed performing for diverse crowds throughout the United States, and internationally to the Carribean and South America.

Ryan has released three albums: Straight from the Heart (2012), The Long Journey Home (2013), and My Songs My Stories (2014), as well as three single, including a collaboration with Peruvian based cultural project PERUSA El Ultimo Inka. His most recent single “Fly with Me” was released on March 13th, 2020.

Additionally, LittleEagle is a Native American cultural educator and traditional dancer, having spoken at private events, museums, schools, and colleges throughout the United States. His great respect for his culture and people is evident and represented in a positive way through his music. Ryan tries to utilize his talents to bring awareness to events and issues affecting the indigenous communities in the Americas and other parts of the world. He is truly an ambassador for bridging the gap between the old ways and the new.

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Other links:

Facebook:  @thegeorgiasongbirds

Live from the Birds Nest


Last modified on Friday, 21 May 2021 14:42


  • WFMC Jams is an online music discovery service bringing you original music as well as your favorite classics from a variety of local artists in the area. Founded on June 24, 2012 right after the Third Annual Fam Jam music festival in Manchester, TN. The idea came up as a way to continue to give back to the local and regional songwriters and performers in the area year round by promoting their music.


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