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4/17/2021 - 7pm - The New Music Food Truck

Published April 17, 2021

Tune in each Saturday at 7pm central on WFMC Jams for a new broadcast week of New Music Food Truck!

 "A new song to help us unwind in difficult days... the message is universal: this is the time to continue and move towards the promised land."    8th Day

This week's menu features the Los Alamitos, California's 8th Day. 8th Day, the band co-founded by brothers Shmuel and Bentzi Marcus, is one of the most sought after music acts these days. With their latest hit album “Stronger Closer” the group has now released eight studio albums that get air play regularly on the radio, and have been top sellers on the World Music, Alternative Rock and Jewish Music charts. “Stronger Closer” reached the #1 spot on iTunes World Music chart and critics have been calling it their best album yet.  The band has played hundreds of sold out concerts across the globe with stops in Australia, Europe, Israel, Asia, South Africa, Canada, the Caribbean Islands and all over the United States. 
Yummy Yummy Yummy Fresh New Music#NMFT rolls this week featuring Eig8th Day with music from CrystalTides The Joy Formidable The NEW Bardots Jane N' The Jungle girl in red BALLYHOO! Said The Whale Dig Michigander Judah & the Lion ISLAND Carla Cherrie Hendriks!
01a Dark NMFT Logo New.png

Aaron & Jim, two crazy brothers are cookin' and servin' up only the tastiest tracks from around the world. Hosted by Aaron and produced by Jim, together, these guys have over 50 years of rock radio experience, as they been at it since they were old enough to reach their parent's music collection! Grab a plate and a cold drink -- and sit back and feast upon their musical buffet.  But be warned -- after grubbin down at New Music Food Truck, yer gonna need loosen your playlist! 




Last modified on Wednesday, 07 July 2021 14:15


  • WFMC Jams is an online music discovery service bringing you original music as well as your favorite classics from a variety of local artists in the area. Founded on June 24, 2012 right after the Third Annual Fam Jam music festival in Manchester, TN. The idea came up as a way to continue to give back to the local and regional songwriters and performers in the area year round by promoting their music.


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