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In the House at the Grinder House In the House at the Grinder House

3/05/2021 - "In the House" at The Grinder House - Nicholas Edward Williams

Published March 05, 2021

Williams was injected with a bohemian lifestyle during a nomadic childhood. By the time he was twelve years of age, his family of four had already moved across four states and nearly ten houses from the west to the east coast. He had no idea that he was being unconsciously groomed to live the Kerouac condition one day; destined to ramble, tell stories of nature, moral ground, and singing about the great people and the multiple levels of the human experience in travel.
"My Grandparents took my sister and I from California to Hershey, PA and back a few times through the summer, and we took different routes each time to see various landmarks and plenty of gravestones of people I’d never met. Needless to say, I the desire to move around is in my blood."
Williams began living a life on the road full-time in 2012 to pursue his music. First in a Honda Element, and later a self-converted Sprinter Van, carrying everything he owned inside a 20 foot vessel with his wife for three years. The simplistic lifestyle of spending ample amounts of time in nature and meeting various characters enabled Williams to focus his writing on the evolving self and observations of his surroundings, as opposed to the over-saturated topic of love and heartbreak that have dominated airwaves for decades.

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"In the House" at the Grinder House is broadcast live on WFMC Jams every Friday from 6-8pm central.

Last modified on Thursday, 08 April 2021 01:05


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