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In the House at the GrinderHouse - 2/05/2021 - James Crowley and Allen Morrell

Published February 05, 2021


James Crowley- One of our homegrown singer songwriters, winner of the 2020 Tennessee Songwriter Week Qualifying rounds. James is a gifted songwriter and vocalist in his own right and has worked across the state. Last appearance was Pucketts Grocery as a finalist for the Bluebird Café.
We are honored to host James here at the Grinder House with his second appearance.
Allen Morrell
One of six Grand Prize winners in the 2020 Tennessee Songwriter's Week Contest sponsored by The Bluebird Cafe and The Tennessee Tourism Board for my original song "Songwriter".
The July 2020 Bluebird Cafe Golden Pick Winner, co-sponsored by Taylor Guitars.
The opportunity to perform at some incredible venues such as The Grand Ole Opry House, The Ryman Auditorium, Bridgestone Arena, The Bluebird Cafe, Douglas Corner, Commodore Grille, The Walnut House Murfreesboro, Puckett's Franklin, Arrington Vineyards, GMA Seminar in the Rockies, and The Nashville Network.
Beyond fortunate to have co-written songs with some of my favorite songwriters of all time including Bobbie Cryner, Jimmy Yeary, John Scott Sherrill, Gary Nicholson, Cyndi Torres, Jeff Pearson, Michael Salacuse, Brittany Allyn, Thad Guerra, Craig Karp, Kim Parent, Shelly Rann, Don Goodman, Shirley Myers, Rod Nicholson, Rob Heath, Sheila Stephen....and many others along the way.
Being a part of the band Passenger in the early 2000's with treasured friends Barry Hackett, Mike and Kristy Rhode, Matt McGee, Mike Mahaffey, Mark Smith, and Joseph "Billy" Fulk.
Winner of several awards at the 2002 Academy of Gospel Music Arts competition (AGMA) 2002 including: Southern Gospel Song and Overall Song of 2002 for "Passenger", and Praise & Worship Song of 2002 for "If I Did Not Sing."
Last modified on Tuesday, 09 February 2021 22:02
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  • WFMC Jams is an online music discovery service bringing you original music as well as your favorite classics from a variety of local artists in the area. Founded on June 24, 2012 right after the Third Annual Fam Jam music festival in Manchester, TN. The idea came up as a way to continue to give back to the local and regional songwriters and performers in the area year round by promoting their music.


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