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Past Live Shows

The Vinyl Show - 10/25/2020

Published October 25, 2020

The Vinyl Show will be broadcast from the Family Music School in Manchester this month and streamed live from 11am to 7pm on Alabama Jams Online Radio and WFMC Jams.  This month's theme will be music from the 50's era!  Shows are also rebroadcast every Wednesday on Heat FM Radio 

The Vinyl Show The Vinyl Show is a live monthly show syndicated on WFMC Jams and Heat FM Radio featuring music spanning many decades and genres played from Vinyl Records.  Each show brings a unique theme and variety of artists and songs that you will not find on mainstream radio today along with interesting history trivia, and sometimes even a blooper or a thousand!
Last modified on Sunday, 25 October 2020 22:38
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  • WFMC Jams is an online music discovery service bringing you original music as well as your favorite classics from a variety of local artists in the area. Founded on June 24, 2012 right after the Third Annual Fam Jam music festival in Manchester, TN. The idea came up as a way to continue to give back to the local and regional songwriters and performers in the area year round by promoting their music.


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