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Midnight Madness Show - 7/14/2020 - Brenda Lynn Allen

Published July 14, 2020



Her voice is pure...It's as old as the ages, yet it's as new and fresh as the beginning of springtime. You hear one song, and your heart wants more.

Brenda shares her own heart with her fans with the release of her new album Better. The title cut from her sophomore recording project was partly inspired from her experience as an activities professional working in a long term care facility with residents facing Dementia.

The album Better contains 14 songs in all, ten of which were written or co-written by Brenda—with styles ranging from traditional country to 50's enthused music, 60's pop to Texas Swing. The album was produced by Doyle Grisham, who is the steel guitarist for Jimmy Buffet’s Coral Reefer Band and who has recorded with country greats such as Randy Travis and George Jones.

Brenda grew up in Columbia, Tennessee—about an hour south of Nashville. She has been singing and writing songs for most of her life. Brenda writes about her experiences and the experiences of those she is close to. Her songs are truly from the heart.

More about Brenda Lynn Allen....

Live radio appearances include The Midnight Jamboree on WSM Radio

KIX 96FM Grinder's Switch Radio Hour, The Cuzin Carl Show 106.1 Missouri

*Music featured on radio shows in the middle Tennessee area and throughout the world as an independent artist

  • Featured artist at major steel guitar conventions: St. Louis, Nashville, Dallas, Alabama
  • Uses her music for dementia education through churches and other organizations (Brenda is also a Board Certified Activity Professional)
  • Headlines showcases at the Legendary Kimbro’s Pickin’ Parlor regularly
  • Performed at The Nashville Nightlife Theatre
  • Several performances on historic Broadway with appearances at Honky Tonk Central, Ernest Tubb Record Shoppe and The Wheel
  • Performed Loretta Lynn Tribute shows with The original Coal Miner Band


The Midnight Madness Show can be heard live on WFMC Jams every Tuesday from 7-9pm central
Last modified on Wednesday, 15 July 2020 23:39
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  • WFMC Jams is an online music discovery service bringing you original music as well as your favorite classics from a variety of local artists in the area. Founded on June 24, 2012 right after the Third Annual Fam Jam music festival in Manchester, TN. The idea came up as a way to continue to give back to the local and regional songwriters and performers in the area year round by promoting their music.


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