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Dani Dease Dani Dease

Midnight Madness Show - 8/6/2019 - Dani Dease and Taylor Mason

Published August 06, 2019

About Dani Dease:
I'm a small town girl ready to take on the world. I grew up in Rock Hill, SC wanting to sing and entertain audiences around the world. My debut album, "Born to Live," captures my drive to succeed. The uplifting album starts with title track "Born to Live," an empowering song about living my dreams. The album is filled with genuine love songs and stories of staying strong despite adversity.

I live by the words I sing. Whether it's being "Brave," laid back or loving someone completely, the album shows the many sides of my outgoing personality. For myself being an honest and positive role model is important.
About Taylor Mason:
Taylor is a rising senior in college and plans to move to Nashville after graduation. In addition to playing her own shows, she accompanies Dani Dease, Dustin Chapman, Jessica Yates, and Jacob Vaughan on acoustic guitar and vocals & enjoys songwriting. 
The Midnight Madness Show can be heard live on WFMC Jams every Tuesday from 7-9pm central
Last modified on Monday, 12 August 2019 22:23
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  • WFMC Jams is an online music discovery service bringing you original music as well as your favorite classics from a variety of local artists in the area. Founded on June 24, 2012 right after the Third Annual Fam Jam music festival in Manchester, TN. The idea came up as a way to continue to give back to the local and regional songwriters and performers in the area year round by promoting their music.


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