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5/22/2021 - Bo's Extravaganza - Camden, TN Photo Credit: Mark Irish

5/22/2021 - Bo's Extravaganza - Camden, TN

Published May 22, 2021

Bo's Extravaganza kicked off its initial celebration back on April 10th and 11th at the John Schneider Studios.  Originally as a John Schneider’s annual birthday bash in Holden, La the event has taken to the road this year and being held in Camden, TN this weekend featuring music from John Schneider Stars 'N Bars Band, Cody McCarver, Keith Burns of Trick Pony, Byron Cherry, Jimmie Dormire, Turtleman, John Reinke, Cori and Kelly, J Edwards, Clayton Q, Billy Lord, Butch Patrick, Tim Smith - Moonshine Man.  Additionally the event featured car shows, celebrity autographs including John Schneider, Food Vendors, rides and attractions as well as appearances from Actors from the Walking Dead , special races, Camden Boat Show and Parade, and much more.  Below are photo highlights from Saturday.

Last modified on Saturday, 22 May 2021 21:57


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