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5/01/2021 - Jim Oliver's Smoke House Restaurant Rally and Prayer Gathering Photo Credit: Mark Irish

5/01/2021 - Jim Oliver's Smoke House Restaurant Rally and Prayer Gathering

Published May 01, 2021

On April 27th, Jim Oliver's Smokehouse Restaurant, a well known restaurant and live music burnt to the ground after 61 years of operation.  Located just off of I-24 in Monteagle, TN, Jim Oliver's Smokehouse Restaurant was not only a tourist attraction for many who traveled to Tennessee, but a place many residents frequented including our own local musicians.  On Saturday, the community and musicians came together for a rally and prayer gathering to support the employees, family, and friends in this difficult time.  A second Rally and Cruise In gathering is scheduled for Saturday, May 8th.  Full details and updates are posted on Jim Oliver's Smokehouse Restaurant Facebook Page.  

This Saturday May 8th
LODGE & CABINS OPEN Restaurant and Gift Shop totally destroyed
We’re having a second rally in prayer the last one was short notice and so many people could not make it they’ve asked me to have another one. Hope you can attend
Saturday May 8th, 4-830 pm at least...(Some artist and song writers want to play so we’re gonna let them play as long as they want and as long as you guys want to stay)
Who will be there:
Employees, Singer Songwriters, family, friends, hotel guest and anyone in the community and surrounding area who would like to attend.  Show your support this SATURDAY ....maybe give some people some hugs.
Rally & Cruise IN ...TO show LOVE and SUPPORT to The Smoke House Family.
In the barbecue pavilion behind where the restaurant once stood
This Saturday May 8th 4:00 pm-8:30 pm or later
The 3 Radioactive Writers(Jason Adams, Randy Finchum, Paul J Cicero ) will perform their regular show 4:30 to 6:30
Anyone else that wants to play bring your guitar for a bonfire jam after the 3 RadioActive Writer Show.
Because we love The Smoke House and it is an iconic and historic part of Tennessee and Monteagle.
Some of the Smoke House Musician family have offered to play for tips That will go to support the rebuild efforts. This is not an official benefit ,it’s just a gathering of love and support.
What to bring:
Potluck Super (kind of like we used to do for old time Sunday after church )If you can bring snacks, SIDE ITEMS, beverages, desserts or whatever you would like for you and your family and friends and may be a little extra for someone else.  You’re welcome to bring your own beer BYOB.  We are cooking lots meat on the grill.
Thanks to everyone for your overwhelming love and support we really need some healing and this is just a small way that we can all come together to support one another. Thank you for your continued prayers. We are truly heartbroken and devastated by the loss of that iconic Smoke House Restaurant, music room and gift in Monteagle Tennessee..
We Will have some food but NO beverage service so if you want any food or beverages you guys are going to have to bring some things you don’t have to share or you can bring things to share. Mostly bring a hug.
Thanks for your support,
Marla Sitten
Music & Media Manager
To make a donation for the rebuild:
Feel free to send this link to anyone who wants to donate, Or an alternative you can mail a check or drop off money at the front desk of the Lodge and Cabins
The mailing address is:
The Smoke House
Lodge & Cabins
844 West Main St.Monteagle, TN 37356
Make check payable To:
The Smoke House
No amount is too small ...every dollar will help
Last modified on Thursday, 06 May 2021 19:15


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