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Praters BBQ Manchester - 1/16/2021 -  Wayd Battle Mark Irish

Praters BBQ Manchester - 1/16/2021 - Wayd Battle

Published January 16, 2021

Music is back and starting 2021 off strong, Praters BBQ Manchester kicked off their new music year with Wayd Battle and his band. Great music, Lip smacking BBQ, How does it get better than this!

Wayd Battle is a two-time Grammy-nominated producer, singer-songwriter, engineer, and guitarist.

His production works include "That Lonesome Song" and "The Guitar Song" albums by Jamey Johnson and The Kentucky Headhunters "Dixie Lullabies". His songs have been used in movies such as "Country Strong" and recorded by artists such as Jamey Johnson, Brett Eldridge, Jerrod Niemann, Brantley Gilbert, The Kentucky Headhunters, Christian Kane, Jamie Richards, Adam Hood, Brandon Rhyder, and many more.

As a guitarist his work can be heard on records from Jamey Johnson, Anthony Smith, The Kentucky Headhunters, ZZ Top - A tribute from friends, The Music Inside - Collaboration Dedicated to Waylon Jennings, The Imus Ranch record, with appearances on The Late Show with David Letterman on CBS and The Tonite Show Jay Leno on NBC.

Wayd is currently working with famed actor and country chart-topper John Schneider.


Last modified on Friday, 22 January 2021 21:57
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