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2020 Wartrace Music Festival 2020 Wartrace Music Festival Erin Douglas - Silver End Photography

2020 Wartrace Music Festival Highlights - 9/19/2020

Published September 19, 2020

Photo highlights from the 2020 Wartrace Music Festival.

The Wartrace MusicFest Summer Concert Series every 3rd Sat. all summer. Wartrace MusicFest is a not-for-profit Festival produced by the town of Wartrace and Wartrace Chamber of Commerce to raise funds for civic improvements to the town of Wartrace.  The summer series provides the Wartrace community a day of many activities including food trucks, games, bounce house for kids, official MusicFest merchandise, shopping downtown, and craft beer at the Iron Horse Pizzeria.  September was the last show for 2020, which included peformances from Music City Stones, Hollin Kings, and local fave, Fred Reilly.

Huge thanks to Erin at Silver End Photography who was on site capturing great pictures during the event!


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Last modified on Monday, 28 September 2020 16:53
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