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Michael had just proposed to his girlfriend Irene at the Bonnaroo Music Arts Festival and she said YES! Michael had just proposed to his girlfriend Irene at the Bonnaroo Music Arts Festival and she said YES! Photo Credits: Will Corey

A Special Bonnaroo Festival Engagement

Published June 16, 2022

A lot of magic is experienced every year at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival and many forms.  Friends reuniting from different parts of the world to enjoy music and making memories.   This year is even more special with the long awaited return of Bonnaroo, and many have waited to make their memories on the farm.  Of those special occasions, proposals were at the top of the list this year.   Michael was one of those people, who earlier in the day made a post to his friends that he would be proposing:

"As most of you know, I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight.  The plan is to meet at the Ferris Wheel ticket booth right after the CloZee set (around 11:11) Going to hand out purple tea lights to anyone participating, while her best friend takes her to the bathroom.  Then when she comes back hopefully everyone can form a circle around us and that's when I'll do it"....."Thank you all so much for the love and can't wait to see everyone!"

Later on as our media team was out meeting people from the Unofficial Bonnaroo Discord group to chat with while listening to CloZee by the ferris wheel, we were unaware what would happen next.  A man approaches us, and at first we thought it may be another Bonnaroo Discord member who found us, but instead it was Michael, who told us he was going to propose to his girlfriend.  He asked if we would help him by standing in a circle holding the purple tea lights he brought.  How could we not witness and be a part of this?  So we did.  After about 15 minutes, a large circle of 50 to 75 people had formed to the left of the Bonnaroo ferris wheel holding the festive purple tea lights, and we continued to wait.  Shortly after the CloZee set finished, Michael's girlfriend, Irene, came back.  She entered the circle where Michael was standing, and he proposed to her.  She said YES!

After three years of events, a lot has happened in many peoples lives.  Much of these events while unexpected helped us all grow into a better appreciation of life.  Being at Bonnaroo this year was different than many other years with a big theme shared by both fans and artists alike to savior and cherish the special moments.  We wish Michael and Irene the best going forward, and hope they spend many more wonderful years together at Bonnaroo!

 -- I.T. Guru

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  • WFMC Jams is an online music discovery service bringing you original music as well as your favorite classics from a variety of local artists in the area. Founded on June 24, 2012 right after the Third Annual Fam Jam music festival in Manchester, TN. The idea came up as a way to continue to give back to the local and regional songwriters and performers in the area year round by promoting their music.


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